Recently I needed to grab all of the items in an Elasticsearch index. Elasticsearch 5.0 defaults to a limit of 10,000 results in a query. Rather than trying to get around that limit it seemed like a good time to “do it right ™”. I had a heck of a time figuring out how to scroll results with Elastica, a PHP client for elasticsearch. So, on the off chance this is useful to someone or my future self, here is a working scroll query.

//start with an Elastica client
$client = new \Elastica\Client(array('host'=>'localhost','port'=>'9200'));
//add the client to our search object
$search = new \Elastica\Search($client);
//filter on types, if we want
//create null query because I want everything
$query = new \Elastica\Query(null);
//pick the fields we want
//limit the page size to one result because I want to be able to use getId() and getType() on every record
//add the query to the search object
//return a scoll iterator with a 1 minute scroll timeout (the default),
//this is how long we have to make our next request before elasticsearch forgets us
$scrollIterator = $search->scroll('1m');

//rewind() executes the search
for ($scrollIterator->rewind(); $scrollIterator->valid(); $scrollIterator->next()) {
        //first ->current gets the resultSet, the second current() gets the single Result
        $document = $scrollIterator->current()->current();
        echo $document->getId() . " " . $document->getType() . " \n";